Blockchain Technology: The Different Career Opportunities
According to the latest skill index, blockchain expertise is taking the world by storm as it’s currently the fastest-growing skill. What’s great about this is that this industry holds a mountain of career opportunities for various professionals, encouraging career growth and immense competitiveness.
Seeing as more companies are looking for individuals who can help them navigate this new and complex technology, it is no surprise that the demand for blockchain skills is high. Besides cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology also plays an important role in other sectors, such as healthcare, security, advertising, and more.
If you’re looking to grow your blockchain technology team, it makes sense to know the IT staffing requirements and the different roles that you can start opening up in your company.
Different Roles in Blockchain Technology
Role #1: Blockchain Developer
One of the most important roles in blockchain technology is developers. Blockchain developers are responsible for creating and maintaining decentralized applications, developing web apps, optimizing protocols, and more. Besides that, developers are also required to know languages like C++, JavaScript, and python.
Role #2: Blockchain Solution Architect
Blockchain solution architects design, assign and connect other blockchain team experts to create and develop a complete blockchain solution. Usually, solution architects work with developers, network administrators, UX designers, and IT operators.
Role #3: Blockchain Product Manager
Blockchain project managers are essentially the head of every project and link the developers and clients, ensuring that expectations and responsibilities are managed and met. These key individuals cover every stage of the project — from developing clear roadmaps to establishing solutions, making them an essential part of the team.
Role #4: Blockchain UX Designers
One of the most important aspects of every product is the UX design. This greatly affects the overall user experience and the product’s success, making blockchain UX designers a highly coveted job role in the field. Besides knowing current design trends, UX designers also consider function and research to ensure a smooth flowing and streamlined end product.
Role #5: Blockchain Quality Engineer
Blockchain quality engineers are responsible for testing products and ensuring that the quality and requirements of each project are working the way they should. Quality engineers need to have excellent communication and management skills to track, document, and organize the project progress.
Role #6: Blockchain Web Designers
Like any company, cryptocurrency companies also require their own websites to spread awareness about their product and services. And with that, they need professionals who understand the demands of a blockchain website and develop an efficient website UI.
Role #7: Blockchain Legal Consultants
Legal consultants are a big IT staffing requirement for any company, especially when considerations such as investments, legal actions, finances, and alike are involved. Legal Consultants will help company leaders deal with various legalities, manage their finances, and share critical international laws involving blockchain technology.
The Bottom Line: Blockchain Can Take Your Career to the Next Level
There’s no doubt that the blockchain industry is constantly evolving. With the constant rise of advancements, the demand for highly skilled individuals continues to increase. That’s why it’s good to know the different roles you should consider opening for blockchain technology.
Besides knowing IT staffing requirements, you should look for individuals who have the capacity to understand the trends and complexities of blockchain technology.
How Can Technical Paradigm Help You?
If you’re looking for IT staffing firms that could help build a powerful IT team, look no further because Technical Paradigm is here to help.
Technical Paradigm provides excellent recruiting-as-a-service to help you fill essential IT roles. We work with businesses of different sizes — from startups to large corporations alike. Build your team with us today!