How Can You Hire a Junior Software Developer and Engineer?

Getting a junior software developer and engineer under your team can be quite beneficial for your business since уоu’ll bе gaining great talent that will significantly boost your project. In addition to that, you’ll be able to have an employee that you can hone and train into being a senior for your company.

Granted, it can be difficult if you’re nоt familiar with the hiring process nor how you can attract junior talents in the IT industry. Here’s a guide that will definitely help уоu along the way:

1) Seek a Recruitment Service

Hiring the help of a recruitment service is the best strategy to do. This is because you can expect to get top-tier candidates for your business. It’s also a great idea to consider a recruitment service that specifically caters to software developers and engineers.

Plus, having a service vet that matches your ideal skill set of the engineer or software developer you would like to hire can save you time and resources. Just make sure that you also view and consider the experience and credentials of the person you’re hiring.

2) Have an Inviting Job Description

You can get a lot of junior talents and developers to apply for the job, but you have to ensure that you have a job description that’s inviting. Make the job title and description sound very attractive to the talents you’re looking for.

It’s also good to have a position description that’s clear and straightforward. Make sure that you tell the talents what you’re expecting from them and what job duties you have for them, avoiding any words that would imply senior positions.

3) Focus on Behavioral Interview

In asking the talents and potential employees about their background and history, you have to focus on behavioral interviews. This means that you let them tell you about their past experiences instead of asking them technical questions.

Allow your junior software developer and engineer candidate to talk about their past experiences and challenges they have encountered. They can relay to you how they best respond to challenges and how they work through them.

4) Check the Applicant’s Work Style

A software engineer or junior developer can have the right personality, but they also need to have a good work style. They will have to face difficult situations and challenges, which means that they can handle the ups and downs of the job.

Plus, a work style where they’re always curious and eager to learn would be ideal for a junior software developer and engineer. It’s great to ask for their references when you’re hiring them, just to learn about an applicant’s work ethic.

5) Avoid Take-Home Programming

It’s not a bad idea to let your software developer and engineer candidate do some programming for you, but avoid giving them the task of working at home and sending you their work instead. Especially for more junior roles, it’s ideal to keep working in the office.

Having take-home programming can be disadvantageous because you won’t be able to gauge their capabilities, although you can check their progress from time to time. Instead, have them in the workplace or assign remote work with your supervision.


Getting a junior software developer and engineer is good for your business. When you’re searching for the best candidate, make sure that you have a recruitment service that can help make the process easier.

Looking for IT Staffing firms? Technical Paradigm offers recruiting-as-a-service to fill IT roles for startups and large corporations. Get in touch with us today!

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