Top Skills to Look for When Hiring an API Developer
As the world increasingly moves towards digital interactions, the role of APIs has become more critical than ever. An API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols and tools that allow software applications to interact with each other. To succeed in creating APIs, you need to hire an API developer.
When it comes to hiring an API developer, there are a few critical skills that you should look for. Here are the top skills to look for when hiring an API developer:
1. Programming Skills
First and foremost, an API developer should be well-versed in programming. This is essential for being able to develop and maintain APIs. They should also have a good understanding of web development, as this will be necessary for understanding how to integrate APIs into web applications.
2. API Orchestration
An API developer should also be skilled in API orchestration. This involves understanding how to connect different API services together to create a cohesive system. This complex skill requires a deep understanding of how APIs work.
3. Application and System Integration
An API developer should also be skilled in application and system integration. This involves understanding how to connect different applications and systems to create a cohesive system. This complex skill requires a deep understanding of how APIs work.
4. Knowledge of Coding Languages
As an API developer, it’s important to have a strong understanding of various coding languages. This will allow you to develop APIs that are compatible with a wide range of systems. Some of the most popular coding languages for API development include Java, Python, and PHP.
5. API Design
It’s essential to have a strong understanding of API design. This will allow you to develop APIs that are easy to use and understand. There are a few key factors to keep in mind when designing an API, including:
- Simplicity – Make sure your API is easy to use and understand
- Functionality – Make sure your API is able to perform the tasks it’s supposed to
- Reliability – Make sure your API is reliable and can be counted on to work correctly
By keeping these factors in mind, you can develop an API that is both easy to use and reliable.
6. Familiarity with DevOps Tools and Practices
The developer should be familiar with common DevOps tools and practices, such as continuous integration and continuous delivery. They should also be able to use these tools to automate the deployment and management of APIs.
7. Good Communication Skills
The developer should be able to communicate effectively with other members of the development team, as well as with customers or clients. They should be able to clearly explain their ideas and designs and be able to work collaboratively to find solutions to problems.
8. Testing and Debugging
A good API developer will be able to test and debug their code. They should be familiar with unit testing tools such as Jasmine and Mocha. They should also be able to use browser debugging tools such as the Chrome Developer Tools.
Final Thoughts
API developers are in high demand due to the popularity of APIs. When hiring an API developer, looking for someone with the right skills, including experience with the relevant programming languages, knowledge of API design principles, and experience with API management tools, is essential.
If you want to hire the best talent but don’t have the time to go through the entire process, your best option is to work with a technical recruitment company like Technical Paradigm. We are experts in recruiting as a service, so you can rest assured we’ll help you find the best API developers. Give us a call today to get started.